15 April 2015
PSBSC Facilities Working Group

In response to the obvious and growing need for PSBSC to consider options for the improvement and development of the club's shore based facilities (including consideration of proper changing rooms, showers, storage and classsroom facilities) the Committee has formed a dedicated 'Facilities Working Group'. A previous club project (from 2002) to extend the slipway at the car park will also be looked at again. The working group would particularly welcome input from any members with expertise in grant applications, architecture or planning as we move towards a feasibility study. If you think you may be able to contribute, please contact Colin McAndrew (colinandrosy@btinternet.com) or have a chat to one of the other members of the Facilities Working Group - Alison French, Judith Bullivant or Alaisdair Mackenzie.

The initial Facilites Options Appraisal is available to view by clicking here.

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