
PSBSC Constitution & Club Policies

1. Constitution

Click here for a a copy of the PSBSC Constitution agreed at the EGM on 30/6/12 and amended on 6/8/12 & 4/10/14 & 30/09/17 & 16/11/19 & 07/11/20.

The links below are to the club's other key policies and guidance document which detail the clubs approach:

2. PSBSC Operating Policy

The PSBSC Operating manual details the clubs health and safety resonsibilities and presents a risk assessment matrix to cover club activities. Additionally the manual details the club's child protection policy and sets out a code of good practise for all vounteers when dealing with children (for the purposes of the policy this means anyone under the age of 18). This includes how to address any concerns and an incident reporting form. Finally the manual includes emergency procedures. These are printed out and prominently displayed in the boat shed and starters hut.

Click here for PSBSC Operating Policy

3. PSBSC Standard Operating Procedures

The PSBSC Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) set out more detailed operational guidance for those carrying out club duties. These contain important guidance for anyone volunteering as Officer of the Day (OoD) for either races or club nights, along with safety boat skippers and club night shore duty volunteers. The emergency procedures are also contained as an appendix to the SOPs.

Click here for PSBSC Standard Operating Procedures

4. Training Centre

The Training Centre Policy sets out procedures for all instructors and helpers on RYA training courses delivered by PSBSC. This is reviewed and updated annually the the Training Principle.

Click here for PSBSC Training Policies


5. PSBSC Risk Register

Click here for the PSBSC Risk Register


6. General Data Protection Regulations Policy (GDPR)

Click here for PSBSC Data Privacy Policy

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