
Tuesday Club Nights

Since Club nights were introduced in 2010 they've gone from strength to strength and prove to be a very popular part of PSBSC's sailing calendar.  We're delighted with the large number of enthusiastic juniors that come along each week and it's great to see our fleet of Club boats being put to good use.  To enable junior sailors to helm the boats they want as well as sail in conditions appropriate for their sailing level (RYA stage) juniors will be split into two sailing groups:

Group 1: RYA stage 1 and 2 junior sailors

Group 2: RYA stage 3 and above junior sailors

Each group will come along on alternate weeks at the usual time of 5.00pm.  Adult sailors can come along on any week on a Tuesday. Juniors, be sure to check the sailing calendar so that you come along on the right week!

Club night guidelines

  • Club nights are open to Club members
  • No formal training is available on a Club night although an instructor is always present.  Training opportunities do exist at other times.  Please see the sailing calendar, notice board or website for more information
  • Safety boat cover is provided
  • In the event of adverse weather, the OoD (Officer of the Day) who is an instructor, will run a shore-based session that will last for approximately an hour
  • All sailors should wear a wetsuit and cagoule / drysuit, buoyancy aid and other clothing appropriate for the prevailing weather and water temperatures, e.g hat, gloves, thermal layers
  • Sailors should bring a change of clothes with them to change into if they get wet
  • There is a £1 charge per person to cover the costs of running the session and use of Club boats, including a free juice, hot chocolate, biscuits, etc

Junior sailors:

  • Must be aged 9 years and over - unless accompanied by a competent sailing parent/guardian
  • Must have achieved RYA level 1 (i.e. attending a training course) before attending Club nights unaccompanied
  • Juniors with no sailing experience are welcome to attend a taster session (tbc)

Non Club Members:

  • Space for non-members on boats will be allocated at the discretion of the skipper
  • Non Club members may only use Club boats on Club nights and only if they have the requisite qualifications and experience
  • One-off visitors to Club nights (who do not intend to join) will be asked for a £5 contribution to the Club

Can you help? If you have any wetsuits and/or buoyancy aids that you are prepared to lend to the Club for use during Club nights, please email us at info@plockton-sailing.com 


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