Club Boats
PSBSC owns a range of small sailing boats which are available for use by members. The club’s fleet includes 7 Toppers, 4 RS Fevas and an RS Vision. These are all available for use by club members on club nights and for club racing or any other sailing events organised by the club.
To book a Club Boat for a race please contact Neil MacRae or email
Cost of use during club events:
Club nights – all members may use the club boats without charge on a club night (use is subject to club night guidelines).
Junior Races: juniors may make use of Fevas and Toppers in races, free of charge.
Adult races: Adult and adult family members will be subject to a £5 charge, per boat, per race, for use of club boats. In order to reserve a club boat for a series, all races in the series must be paid for in advance.
At other times:
Outside the club's organised events (club nights and races) there is scope to use club boats, but due to the absence of any rescue boat coverage, club boats can only be used at these times subject to the following guidelines:
- Users must be full members of the club: Junior, Adult, Family, Life and Honorary
- Skippers must be 16 years of age or over
- The Skipper must have obtained RYA Stage 4 (Youth Sailing Scheme) or Better Sailing (National Sailing Scheme) or equivalent
- Crew must be 14 years of age or over on any double handed boat and need to have passed RYA Stage 3 (Youth Sailing Scheme) or Basic Skills (National Sailing Scheme)
- The Skipper must sign the boat out and in at the boat shed. Any damage incurred must also be reported in the sign in/out book.
- Wetsuit (or equivalent) and bouyancy aid must be worn when using club boats.
- An indemnity form will be available at the boatshed and must be completed and signed before a member can use a club boat.
- When using club boats outside of club events a charge will apply of £5 per adult and £3 per junior sailing in the boat.
- The Skipper or the Skipper’s Parent/Guardian will be responsible for payment of any insurance excess costs in the event of an insurance claim as a result of damage caused to a boat while signed out (other than wear and tear).
RS Vision | RS Feva XL | RS Feva 2 | RS Feva 3 | RS Feva 4 | Toppers x7 | |