Rules & Regs for Dolan Mackenzie Rowing Trophy
1. Maximum of 3 persons in the boat
2. 3rd Person can only be an optional cox and not a 3rd rower.
3. Any Local Boat can be used for the current year.
4. Maximum 4 oars per boat (two per person)
5. No Age Limit on any person in the boat.
6. Lifejackets to be WORN at all times.
7. Starting line will be a fixed line between the starting barbers pole and the flag pole straight across the bay but inside the home mark. The starters pole will be placed on a fixed position marked by an old painted nail in the rocks between Tulloch Ard and the Hedge.
8. Finish time will be taken when any part of the boat crosses the line having already been round the perch at ‘Bogha Dubh Sgeir, approximate total distance to row is 1.5 nautical miles.
9. Rowing can commence anytime from Midnight on the Friday after the concert/presentation, provided a certified timekeeper is present to record accurately, particpants will have up until Midnight on the Thursday before the concert/presentation where the trophy will be presented.
10. PSBSC is not responsible for providing safety cover for this event.
DATE 1st Rower 2nd Rower FINAL TIME
2018 Winners K. MacRae N. MacRae 26.29
2019 Winners K. MacRae A. Dryburgh 34.43
2020 Winners No Race No Race No Race
2021 Winners K. MacRae N. MacRae 25.15
2022 Winners K. MacRae A. Dryburgh 32.15
2023 Winners R. Mackenzie Gordon Mackenzie 35.53