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Plockton Small Boat Sailing Club (PSBSC) is a sailing club in the North West of Scotland. The club has an active and competitive race programme as well as a friendly and welcoming social programme. In addition the club is a Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Training Centre, providing club members with a full range of dinghy sailing courses for juniors and adults. The club’s racing programme runs from May to September with separate race series for Plockton Local Boats, centre board dinghies (such as Wayfarer, GP14, Laser, Laser 2000, RS Vision, Albacore etc.) and juniors (Toppers, RS Fevas). A popular highlight of the racing programme is the annual, fortnight-long open regatta.

Other competitive events include the annual fishing competition, a rowing race and yacht race. But there are also many non-competitive sailing opportunities throughout the season – notably our regular popular club nights. The club also hosts a number of social events, such as open days, ceilidhs, concerts, quizzes and BBQs. Some of these have long traditions, such as the Regatta Concert and Regatta Saturday, when traffic along harbour street has to give way to dancing.

Plockton harbour, on the south shores of Loch Carron is a beautiful and spectacular place to sail. The bay itself can provide shelter from the prevailing south westerlies, but the wind can also deflect off the hills, to provide challenging conditions. It is always varied. Although the start / finish line is close inshore, and good for spectators on the shore, the race bouys are set well out into the loch, with the furthest bouys several nautical miles away, providing exciting variations in the courses set.

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