
Safeguaring Children & Vulnerable Adults

Plockton Small Boat Sailing Club is committed to providing a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults. All children and vulnerable adults, whatever their age, culture, social grouping, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and/or sexual identity, have the right to protection from abuse.

PSBSC Operating Policies (which apply across the club – not just for training) set out the policies to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. These will be adhered to at all times in the delivery of RYA training courses. These include definitions of abuse and bullying, how to spot signs of such and actions to take. The PSBSC Operating Policy is also printed out and available for review on the Boatshed notice board.

In addition, and as required by the RYA[1], PSBSC has a nominated Child Welfare Officer;

Any concerns or suspicions should be raised with the Child Welfare Officer and will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

[1] Further details on the RYA website

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