

PSBSC is run by a committee of volunteers who are elected annually by the membership.

PSBSC Officers for 2024
Commodore Alexander Tindall
Vice-commodore TBC
Honorary Secretary Neil MacRae
Honorary Treasurer Julia MacKenzie
Membership Secretary Neil MacRae
Sailing Convenor David Hay
Time Keeper TBC
Principal Instructor Michael Hay
Social Convenor Keri Fraser
Welfare Officer TBC

PSBSC Sub Committee Convenors
Racing & Sailing David Hay
Handicap Laura Anderson
Training & Club Night Michael Hay
Property  Ian Hay
Safety Boat Neil MacRae
Junior Endeavour Alexander Tindall
Social Committee Keri Fraser


General Committee Members

Sarah Bruce, Fiona Mackenzie, Graham Sharp, Aonghais Rowe, Alexander Mackenzie.

For all contacts please email info@plockton-sailing.com and we will respond to you promptly.

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