
Sailing directions and race entry

Annual membership MUST be paid before racing

(unless intending to pay a visitors fee).

Race Entry & Indemnity Forms

Please note that all skippers MUST complete and submit a race entry / indemnity form at the beginning of the sailing season or before racing.  These should be handed in to the timekeepers hut prior to racing. These are available from the timekeepers hut or can be downloaded below: 

Click here to open the Race entry / Indemnity form.



Sailing Directions

The PSBSC Sailing Directions include some local prescriptions. These are regularly reviewed and may be updated to reflect changes in The Racing Rules
of Sailing, or decisions of the Club taken at its AGM, or by the committee.

Click here to open the Current Sailing Directions (pdf). 


Yacht Race

The Frithard Trophy is a yacht race from Plockton bay, around predefined marks and returning to Plockton in the afternoon, it's date will be as per the Racing Calendar and start time will usually be 10am. Check in 0900.

Click here for Race entry form and rules are available for download HERE, and course confirmed on Channel 74 prior to start.


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